Assist with personal activities

Assistance is provided with playing games, going for walks, reading to a participant, doing any hobbies, organizing rooms/shelves, etc

Assist with Travel/Transport

Transport can be arranged for: doctors appointments, meetings, work, any other appointments, sporting events, restaurants, movies, etc

Daily Tasks/Shared Living

Assistance provided includes meal preparation, helping with showering/bathing, getting dressed, personal hygiene (clipping of nails, brushing hair, shaving, toileting) and any other assistance required.

Household Tasks

Assisting with cleaning house, vacuuming, washing floors, wiping counters, doing laundry, doing dishes, cleaning of shelves and fridges, and any other household tasks.

Participation in Community activities

Assisting with activities outside the home, i.e meeting with friends, going on coffee dates, doing grocery shopping, going to the library, going to physio/hydro sessions, going to the movies, volunteering at an organization, going to church.

Group activities

Sporting events, group outings with other individuals, going to classes, and any activity where you meet up with other individuals to perform a recreational activity, for instance bowling leagues.